Wednesday, January 11, 2023

Rise of Empires: Ottoman Season 2 Episode 5

 Dracula, the ruler of Walisia, disobeyed the orders of Sultan Murad and breached the treaty with the Ottomans by having relations with the neighboring country. Sultan Murad ordered Dracula, the ruler of Walia, to come to Erdin. Confronts him with accountability for his treachery. Dracula swore that he would maintain peaceful relations with the Ottomans and that he would not engage in conspiracies with the neighboring country. Then Sultan Murad wants to know how to believe his words and how to make sure that he will not make a mistake again later. Dracula, the ruler of Walisia, then left his two sons, Vlad and Radu, with Sultan Murad. Sultan Murad then moved from Waliswa to Dracula. Vlad was angry in nature. He never liked the Ottomans. However, they developed a friendly relationship with Mehmed, the son of Sultan Murad.

Vlad and Radu grew up in the Ottoman palace. Mehmed had a good relationship with him but he always thought of himself as a Wallian. Meanwhile, Radu was a little different in nature. He liked the Ottomans. Vlad always thought of himself as a prisoner. The ruler of Wallissia again betrayed the Ottomans. Then the Sultan called Murad, Dracula's two sons Vlad and Radu. Then he showed them two ways. Either they will be put to death or they will be engaged in the service of the Ottomans. Radu gets scared and he focuses on serving the Ottomans and convinces his brother Vlad. Sultan Murad then released them and allowed them to live independently in the Ottoman palace. But Vlad thinks of himself as a prisoner. When Dracula died a few years later, Sultan Murad granted them independence and freed them to rule Walisia.

Vlad receives this order and gets ready to go to Wallesia, then he goes to Wallesia. Before leaving, his brother wants to take Radu to Wallier but Radu refuses to go. He lives with Mehmed. Vlad is displeased with this, but Radu walia wants to remain in the Ottoman palace as ambassador. Vlad later moved to Wallissia and completed the reign. A few years later Vlad came to the Ottoman palace and went to the sultan's court. Then he wants to see Mehmed as sultan. Mehmed was then planning for the conquest of Consantinopol. Then Vlad is surprised to see Mehmed, then kisses his hand. Vlad asked for troops from Sultan Mehmed, but Sultan Mehmed said he would no longer be able to give troops. After the invasion of Constantinople, he would be given troops. But Vlad did not agree. Then Vlad leaves.

A few years after the conquest of Consantinople. Vlad Dracula, the ruler of Wallissia, became having a bitter relationship with the Ottomans. Dracula attacked a number of Ottoman islands and continued to kill civilians. He joined the Pope and fought against the Ottomans on behalf of the Christian army with the Ottomans. One day Sultan Mehmed dreams that he is having a battle with Vlad, and at one stage of the battle, Vlad has wounded him. Sultan Mehmed then wakes up and gets worried. Sultan Mehmed Vlad sent envoys to Dracula and invited him to come to Istanbul. Vlad Dracula killed the Ottoman emissaries. Sultan Murad was unhappy with this. He doesn't want to go to war against her. Prince Radu and Mahmud Pasha are two close to Sultan Mehmed. Sultan Mehmed's father-in-law was sent back to Vlad Dracula. Vlad meets him in the forest and kills the soldiers who are with him and captures him.

Sultan Mehmed, upon receiving the news, took Dracula hard. He then agreed to go on a campaign against Dracula. Mahmud Pasha and Radu want to lead the army. But Sultan Mehmed said that he himself would lead the army and Mahmud Pasha and Radu would be with him. Mehmed left for Walisia with a large army. On the way to Walisia, a river is encountered. Crossing the river went to a man who was responsible for the fleet of the area. Mehmed took the fleet from him to cross the river. Meanwhile, the boat supplier, Vlad, who is close to Dracula, goes to Vlad and informs Vlad of this information. Vlas laid a trap for them. While crossing the river, Vlad attacked there. Sultan Mehmed counter-attacked. After a long battle, Dracula fled and crossed the river into Mehmed Wallisia.

Sultan Mehmed left for the capital of Walisia. Vlad Mehmed continued to make small attacks on him. Mahmud pasha find a sign in radu's home and this sign was vlad dracula.He suspect him as territory but sultan mehmet stopped him and asked him to hide these news among them. Vlad dracula was send letter to his brother radu to join with him but he was not agree with him but he hide letter from sultan mehmet. Sultan mehmed send radu to kidnapped, radu's wife.Radu goes to her Palace and find radu's wife but she decided to death and jump in the river near palace.  Radu come back to sultan mehmet.Sultan mehmet asked him about radu's wife, radu expressed everything but mehmet angry with him and gave the sill of vlad that has been found in his room.

Vlad try to push plague among attoman. But he failled. Radu send a letter to her brother vlad and asked him to start a war against mehmet and he say details about attoman army. At night,vlad attack attoman with his full army. A big war started in the battlefield at night. The wallachain attaked attoman wearing jenessaries shirt. Vlad entered a room where sultan mehmet stay but he found his brother radu.Vlad try to find her brother besides him but he wasn’t with him. He take arm against him.Mahmud pasha follow radu and entered his room and found  vlad and radu in this room.Vlad then went away from room.Raddu and mahmud pasha try to find him but he goes away.Then sultan mehmet find him and goes to attacked him. 

Rise of Empires: Ottoman S2 EP5

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